Fox Searchlight Purposely Underselling M.I.A. 'Slumdog Millionaire' Track At The Oscars

Having to chose between two of its babies, Fox Searchlight is evidently purposely underselling M.I.A.’s “Slumdog Millionaire,” track, “O Saya,” in favor of the solo A.R. Rahman track, “Jai Ho,” according to the Golden Derby.

Why would they do such a thing? Well, both ‘Slumdog’ songs are nominated in the Academy Awards’ Best Song category, and Fox Searchlight doesn’t want to split the vote so they are putting what they feel is their best foot forward.

How do we know it’s M.I.A’s track with Rahman that is getting the short thrift? Oscar voters recently receive received their campaign CD and missing from the disc was her original contribution to the soundtrack (one that she came out of retirement to write).

Evidently Fox Searchlight feels, the bouncy “Jai Ho” has more Oscar potential, and while it’s a fabulously fun track (it’s from the celebratory Bollywood dance sequence at the end of the film), it’s the M.I.A/Rahman collaboration that’s actually the stronger track and much more indicative of the film’s thrilling tone.

How does Interscope feel about this? Director Danny Boyle? How does M.I.A. — an expectant mom any minute now — feel about this? No word so far, but we’re sure these reports will force them to address it in some manner. Again, Oscar politics raise their ugly head. Listen to both tracks head to head and gauge for yourself.