Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Got a Tip?

Yes, There Was Actually A Plastic Water Bottle In Last Night’s ‘Game Of Thrones’ Finale

After the coffee cup fiasco that was only two weeks ago, there’s no way that the behind-the-scenes folks at “Game of Thrones” and HBO would allow something similar happen again, right? And definitely not in the series finale, which has been built up for almost a decade and will likely have the most viewers the series has ever seen? Well, much like people feel about the story and plot of the final season of ‘Thrones,’ it appears that we put too much faith in these people.

They did it again, people. In last night’s final ‘Thrones,’ titled “The Iron Throne,” you can clearly see a plastic water bottle in one of the climactic scenes. At around the 46-minute mark, when Tyrion is approaching the gathered Lords and Ladies of Westeros, there is a shot of John Bradley’s Samwell Tarly sitting in a chair, with a plastic water bottle by his feet.

READ MORE: ‘Game Of Thrones’ Series Finale: The Game Comes To An Unsatisfying End In ‘The Iron Throne’ [Recap]

And after the coffee cup incident, did you think that people wouldn’t notice?

Social media has already erupted with video and commentary about the water bottle. Most of it is pure astonishment. How the hell did this get through editing? Especially after the fiasco of a couple of weeks ago.

Of course, there are folks that are jokingly explaining it away. In addition to accidentally discovering democracy (before being rudely shot down), perhaps Sam was about to present his invention of plastic bottles? But after his government idea went over like a lead balloon, maybe he just decided to let the water bottle idea simmer a bit more before presenting it?

Obviously, the world awaits HBO’s clever retort about the water bottle. Much like the coffee cup, there’s no viable excuse for its inclusion in the finished episode. That is, other than to say that it’s a big fuck up and something that is no doubt embarrassing.

READ MORE: HBO Explains ‘Thrones’ Coffee Cup Error & Quickly Re-Edits The Episode: “Dany Had Ordered An Herbal Tea”

Or maybe, this is all part of the master plan? Maybe HBO and the ‘Thrones’ people knew that this would be a polarizing episode and they planted the water bottle to distract you from the real problem — terrible storytelling? Eh, it’s probably just a fuck up.


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