In the latest case of raping fond memories/questionable obsessions, Fox 2000 is gearing up for a remake of “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” with Ryan Murphy, creator of the insanely popular show “Glee,” to take the directing reins.
Musicals haven’t been doing so hot in the past 2 years, with “Nine” being a critical and commercial failure and “Fame” taking in a decent haul but also garnering mostly negative reviews. Those looking to corner the market seem to have the right idea in remaking a musical that already has an enormous fanbase. Some will cry foul, but on a serious note, remaking the film with a new cast and director isn’t much different than its various Broadway iterations, and we bank some fans will feel that, or at the least they’ll check it out for curiosity’s sake. Disregarding the lackluster “Eat Pray Love” and “Running With Scissors,” there’s no way around the popularity of “Glee,” pulling in over 12 million viewers per ep. If anyone could breathe life into this genre on the silver screen, it’s likely to be this guy.
Murphy hasn’t officially signed on, but those for a hankering of what he might do ought to check out his Rocky-Horror themed episode of “Glee” on October 26th. While we’re not huge fans of his work, one thing we’re keeping our eye on is his adaption of Larry Kramer’s play “The Normal Heart,” starring Mark Ruffalo. That actor is always worth watching, and things seem to be moving forward with a proposed Spring shoot-start for the piece which centers on the outbreak of AIDS in New York. Also in the works is a re-teaming with Julia Roberts, this time for an untitled romantic-comedy that Murphy is writing himself, though it’s unclear whether he is adapting something or picking at his own brain. —Christopher Bell