Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Images Of Unused FX Work From ‘Prometheus’ Show More Of Mutant Fifield

nullThe “Prometheus” Blu-ray is on its way and, despite many people being left hugely disappointed by Ridley Scott’s latest, there still seems to be a fair bit of excitement surrounding the home release. Maybe it’s because of what Ridley Scott has been able to transform his films into in the past when given a second crack at the whip, or maybe it’s in the wild hope that there may be enough amongst the special features to make sense of the original film. Perhaps it’s just to see some more of the stunning visuals, who knows?

The latest tease comes in the form of a selection of images that were published in Cinefex magazine (via Bloody Disgusting). They show some of the ultimately deleted effects work for Sean Harris’ character Fifield after he became a mutated/zombiefied monster after being attacked by a phallic creature that emerged from the black goo. But don’t worry, "Prometheus" fans – they don’t shed any light on how Fifield got lost in the first place, why the goo changed into a penis with a vagina for a face, why it attacked him, or what function it served as part of the plot. No, it just shows a little more clearly what the mutated Fifield almost ended up looking like.

As you can see from the pictures, it's pretty awesome/scary stuff. Here’s what the magazine had to add about the pics:

To mutate Fifield beyond what was possible using practical makeup effects, Weta Digital generated a digital character with elongated limbs and an engorged, transluscent head, incorporating a semblance of Harris’ face,” writes the magazine. “Scott filmed the sequence both with the actor in makeup and without, providing clean plates that would allow for the insertion of the digital character. The final cut featured mostly makeup effects, which Weta enhanced with digital wire removal, bullet hits, and one shot of the digital creature’s body blended to the actor.

So that's pretty cool, we guess. But it will take a whole heap of awesome special features if we're to part with our hard earned cash for a copy of this movie. We only splurged on the Quadrilogy Blu-rays a couple of months back…nullnull

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