Kanye West Apes Fiona Apple Video With Zach Galifianakis

Ahh, Kayne West, you super appropriator you. Kanye’s new alternate version video for “Can’t Tell Me Nothing” stars bearded, pudgy comedian Zach Galifianakis in the exact, Zach-lip-synch’s-the-words way Fiona Apple used Zach in her, “Not About Love” video from 2006.

Maybe even weirder than Kanye directly aping someone else’s idea (what’s strange about that?) is the inclusion of filthy-minded appalachian indie-rocker Will Oldham in the video.

Sadly, this seems like Kanye’s pathetic hipster bid to appeal to the all-things-loving-indie Stereogum set. Watch for it on that site, Brooklyn Vegan and Pitchfork in reverent tones in about 5 minutes.

Watch: Kanye West – “Can’t Tell Me Nothing” (alt video version)
Watch: Fiona Apple – “Not About Love”
Download: Kanye West – “Can’t Tell Me Nothing” (feat Young Jeezy remix)
Download: Fiona Apple – “Not About Love” (Jon Brion version)