Karen O Talks 'Wild Things' Score; Says Yeah Yeah Yeahs Members Nick Zinner & Brian Chase Helped; No Arcade Fire In Film

Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs has been extremely reticent to discuss her musical involvement in Spike Jonze’s live-action adaptation of “Where The Wild Things Are.” Part of this was because the initial announcement was made probably a little earlier than all parties wanted and perhaps partly because the YYYs frontwoman and Jonze used to be romantically involved.

We know she’s composed the score to the film with Carter Burwell and written a few “songs” for the film as well (whether they’re traditional songs with lyrics and singing though is unclear; we envision cooing lullabies), but at almost every turn when asked in the last year, O has been extremely taciturn on the subject (so much so she’s even turned Bradford Cox of Deerhunter — who helped her out a bit — paranoid as well and he wouldn’t discuss either; “I’m just not interested in talking about the soundtrack. It’s my close friend, and it’s not my place to talk about it,” Cox told the L.A. Times last year).

But, as we move closer to the release of the film, Karen O is starting to slowly open up about the film and she told MTVUK that her fellow members in the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs helped out and played on the songs she wrote for the film as well.

“I guess there is a child like innocence about my music or my persona that [Spike Jonze] always just kind of dialed into. So I guess he thought I should make music for ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ and I assembled a group of mostly rock musicians to make the music including Nick [Zinner] and Brian [Chase].”

[But again, don’t report that the YYYs have written the score; cause they haven’t and only Karen O is credited alongside with Carter Burwell]

O seemed pretty psyched to be involved in the whole venture and she has glowing praise for the film, which she’s presumably seen or at least parts of. “To play on it was a really amazing experience and I think what [Spike] has accomplished with the film is basically the impossible. There’s a lot of stuff that they told me Spike couldn’t do that he did it anyway and it was a really inspiring and exciting thing to be a part of.”

A re-recorded Arcade Fire song was utilized in the recent ‘Wild Things’ trailer and their fans and other bloggers have been all excited about their possible inclusion in the film, but Pitchforkmedia were recently told by Merge records that no Arcade Fire music will be used in the actual ‘Wild Things’ movie, which kills any rumors or speculation.