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Listen: 7 Songs From ‘Frank’ Soundtrack, Plus Full Details And More

Frank, FassbenderBefore you hit the comments section, yes, we know, the soundtrack to "Frank" was released digitally in August. But frankly, this movie could use a lot more love. Premiering at the Sundance Film Festival in January, the hilarious comedy got a lot of great buzz, but like many movies that get heat in Park City, for whatever reason, it dissipated by time "Frank" hit theaters. We’re here to tell you, if you haven’t seen it, go order it on VOD now or see it in theaters if it’s playing near you. And the soundtrack is just one reason to put this movie on your radar.

Directed by Lenny Abrahamson, the movie is loosely based on the real life Frank Sidebottom, and tells the story of a young kid with musical aspirations that finds himself recruited as the unlikely keyboard player for a fledgling band. They all retreat to the woods to record a new album, an experience that only heightens the awkward band dynamics, starting with frontman Frank, played by Michael Fassbender, who is never seen without his papier mache head.

For anyone who has played in a band, or tried to undertake any creative endeavor and found inspiration hard to come by, "Frank" will resonate. It’s uniquely funny, original stuff that finds a distinct comedic tone and knocks it out of the park. The supporting turns by Domhnall Gleeson and Scoot McNairy are solid, but if I had my way, Maggie Gyllenhaal would be in the awards season conversation for her performance as the band’s icy voice of reason.

And yes, the songs in the movie are great too (and thankfully the soundtrack preserves how they are played in the film), and you can hear seven of them below, followed by the band’s performance of "I Love You All" on "The Colbert Report." The full track list is below, followed by a brief description of each song. The "Frank" soundtrack is in digital stores now stateside, and gets a physical release in the U.K. on October 27th and in the U.S. on October 28th.

“Frank” Soundtrack Tracklisting
1 Jon’s Crap Songs
2 Ginger Crouton
3 Welcome to Vetno
4 Lay an Egg
5 Frank’s Dawn Chorus
6 Jon Shares His Songs
7 Lone Standing Tuft
8 Work Begins in Earnest
9 Creaky Door
10 Be Still (Don’s Song)
11 Idiot Shriek
12 The Holidaymakers
13 Again
14 Jon’s Song Changed
by Frank and Clara
15 Secure the Galactic Perimeter
16 Broken
17 Viking Funeral
18 Just Like ‘Paris Texas’
20 I’m Just Me
21 Frank’s Most Likeable Song…Ever
22 The Music’s Shit
23 #findfrank
24 Lighthouse Keeper
25 I Love You All
26 I Love You All (Credits)
27 All Broken (Credits)
28 Tuft (Credits)
29 Frank’s Cacophony
30 Stop Sign
31 I Love You All (Radio Mix)

1. Jon’s Crap Songs

The ‘Lady in the Red Coat’ fragment from this opening bad-song montage came from Domhnall riffing in Stephen’s studio. He was looking out the window and saw …. a lady, and she was wearing a red coat, and, there and then, one of the worst songs of all time was born.

 In ‘Suburbia’ Jon was grabbing for an off-the-shelf theme – in this case the cliché of stifling suburbia – thinks he’s finally come up with something decent. Worth noting that the ‘little boxes’ of the lyric are in fact lovely, big Victorian houses.

2. Ginger Crouton

This madness shows Frank being inspired by the events earlier that day when Lucas tried to drown himself.

3. Welcome to Vetno

Jon gets his bearings after learning they’re at Vetno to stay.

4. Lay an Egg

Jon talks about his fellow band members while Frank plays a game of ‘which bird are you’.

5. Frank’s Dawn Chorus

The mood is low after Don’s naked sprint to the lake. Frank looks out over the misty Vetno dawn.

6. Jon Shares His Songs

Maggie makes Jon play ‘Walking Down the Street One Day’

7. Lone Standing Tuft
Frank proves to Jon that ‘you can write a song about anything’.

8. Work Begins in Earnest
New musical instruments, a new musical notation system and Frank wrestles Baraque. Chincilla!

9. Creaky Door

There’s only a tiny hint of this track in the cut. This is the whole piece we filmed with The Soronpfrbs.

10. Be Still (Don’s Song)
Don’s love song to one of his ‘particular’ friends.

11. Idiot Shriek

The band’s full version of Clara’s Idiot Shriek track.

12. The Holidaymakers
Frank plants a new truth in the soul of a German tourist.

13. Again
Frank is relentless in rehearsals for the album.

14. Jon’s Song Changed by Frank and Clara

15. Secure the Galactic Perimeter
Frank gets into String Theory in the full version of the first track of the Album recording session.

16. Broken
The whole of the second song from the Album session.

17. Viking Funeral
Dolphins, mannequin legs and something to Smoke. Don’s send off.

18. Just Like ‘Paris Texas’

The band hit the desert.

19. SXSW
Jon feels like he’s finally arrived where he was always meant to be.

20. I’m Just Me
Jordan Aurora Aquino plays a cute-girl singer complete with ukulele.

21. Frank’s Most Likeable Song… Ever

22. The Music’s Shit
The end of Jon’s dream.

23. #findfrank

24. Lighthouse Keeper

25. I Love You All
Live version from the bar.

26. I Love You All (Credits)

27. All Broken (Credits)

28. Tuft (Credits)

29. Frank’s Cacophony
Alternative piece for the café radio when Jon orders his ham and cheese panini.

30. Stop Sign
Frank sings about the loneliness of the unobserved traffic signal.

31. I Love You All (Radio Mix)

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