Monday, March 3, 2025

Got a Tip?

Listen To The New ‘Ghostbusters’ Theme Tune By Fall Out Boy & Missy Elliott

Oh, god, what if we were wrong about “Ghostbusters?” While sexist baby-men have been throwing proverbial bricks at Paul Feig’s reboot of the beloved 80s classic since its announcement, we’ve kept the faith. That’s because Feig has a good track record, with “Bridesmaids,” “The Heat” and “Spy” all being among the best comedies of recent years. And while the haters howl about the awfulness of the trailers so far, we’d argue that 1) comedy is subjective so your mileage may vary, 2) comedy trailers are mostly quite bad — look at the promos for a now-classic like “Anchorman,” which hardly sell the film’s brilliance and 3) we found plenty to laugh at in the “Ghostbusters” trailers clips anyway.

READ MORE: ‘Ghostbusters’ Director Paul Feig Calls Sexist Backlash “The Death Throes Of The Old Guard”

And then we heard the theme tune to the new movie, “Ghostbusters (I’m Not Afraid)” by Fall Out Boy ft. Missy Elliott.

To look on the positive side, the film can only be better the theme tune, because there’s literally no way it can’t be. On the negative side, if this is the musical equivalent of what Feig’s done cinematically, the film will be nearly unwatchable. Listen to the song, which even Missy Elliott can’t save, below, and then write to your congressman and ask them to ban all recorded music.

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