While there were plenty of jokes and funny moments to be had at last night’s Oscars ceremony, there might have been a show-stopping video that was cut from the broadcast. According to a video posted by comedy group The Lonely Island, the Academy hired them to write a song for last night’s awards show. Why would the Academy suddenly change their mind and pass on the idea?
If you listen to the group explain it, it came down to money and logistics. In a video posted to their YouTube channel, they said, “We were asked to write a song for this year’s Oscars…Unfortunately, it wasn’t chosen because it was ‘financially and logistically impossible…’”
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Following the message is the rough storyboards and vocals for their unused Oscars video. Judging by the talent that would have been required, there’s no doubt that logistics and finances would have been a concern. Tiffany Haddish, Vin Diesel, Michael Fassbender, Gal Gadot, and all four Hollywood Chrises (Pratt, Pine, Hemsworth, and Evans, respectively) would have been required. And they would have to be perfectly okay poking fun at themselves.
The premise of the song is simple. Why are big budget blockbusters passed over for Oscars consideration? With the star-studded cast singing, in full costume, they would have asked for the Academy to consider the “lighter” fare for future awards. The four Hollywood Chrises would have asked for a “Best Chris” award, naturally.
Whether or not you want to believe the word of a group that has hit singles like “Dick in a Box,” “I’m on a Boat,” and “Jizz in my pants” is up to you. What can’t be debated is that the Lonely Island guys have come up with a pretty funny song and video. It would have been really funny seeing Fassbender singing about “The Snowman,” and the four Chrises together, at last.