Saturday, March 1, 2025

Got a Tip?

MTV Movie Awards Disconnect: Future-Forward With ‘Superbad’ Noms, Lagging In The Past With Host Mike Meyers

Now this isn’t a diss at MTV. We know all too well how people paint with a wide brush with their shooting fish in a barrell ad hominem attacks on MTV (“They don’t play videos!” Holy, shit, really??? Grow up, Peter Pan) But rather it’s a diss on the people behind the MTV Movie Awards, which believe it or not is a separate group of people that run MTV Movies online,”The Hills,” regular daily MTV programming, etc., etc., and so on and so on.

The 2008 MTV Movie Award nominations were announced and Judd Apatow’s raunchy sweet teen comedy “Superbad” scored 5 nominations (Including one for McLovin’ in the Best New, nice). Yay, right? Funny, smart, culturally relevant movie that should be nominated at the MTV movie awards (lets face it, they’re not masterpiece theater and they know it). Everyone’s happy, right?

But wait, the host is… my grandpa Mike Meyers? Yes, he has a new movie out this summer, “The Love Guru,” and the timing is perfect so we understand it from a business perspective, but relevant to the audience or cultural perception at large?

Sure, “The Love Guru,” will do really well at the box-office cause it’s perfect middle-of-the-road fodder for all the ham and eggers out there that drive society (stupid people that breed more stupid people). But c’mon guys, we’re all aware there’s this sweeping sentiment – justified or not – that MTV has become culturally irrelevant and unhip, so maybe instead of the Meyers safe as milk bet you could get someone with a little bit more edge and bite to preserve the greater good (and for the sake of fucking laughter for godsake)? God, can you imagine the inspid Doctor Evil jokes he’s probably rehearsing RIGHT NOW? (feeling dizzy at the thought) Hello, Zack Galifinakis? Hello, David Cross. Wait, the world at large wouldn’t tune in to see those guys. Hell, they probably have no clue who the fuck they are. Sarah Silverman was too pottymouthed, right? Weren’t ratings down? Nope, but apparently they weren’t up high enough.

Ah, the eternal conondrum. There’s no hope is there. Mainstream culture is just fucked from now on, isn’t it.

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