Sunday, March 2, 2025

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Must See: Hitler Freaks Out Over Lame Reaction To ‘Avatar’ Footage

We generally ignore most video of the day viral clips, especially those made by fans.

Most of the time they’re just not that funny, sorry. And the Hitler/ “Downfall” video meme (using the Bruno Ganz portrayal of Mein Furher to make fun of whatever), is not really that funny. But Jesus H Christ, this particular version, that uses the Oliver Hirschbiegel-directed film to mock the indifferent reaction to the “Avatar” trailer is fucking fantastically funny and pure gold. The lines in this thing are hysterical and sharp as shit. We haven’t laughed this hard at a fan-made video in a long time and major props to this guy for crafting such a trenchantly comic viral vid.

The gist is this: the high command has to break it to Hitler (Ganz) that the reception to the “Avatar’ trailer was piss poor and ‘Avatar’ Day screenings were underwhelming and in some cases only half-full. And of course he freaks the fuck out, railing on the ineptitude of Fox and suggesting James Cameron has his head up his ass. “Sir, you expect a miracle from Fox,” one of his advisers asks sheeply.

“Goddamn Fox would give Wolverine webshooters and a Bat cape!” Hitler hisses. “A nightmare! And don’t give me the Na’vi designs were brilliant! Who in their right mind would want to live vicariously through a furry ballerina, that fights off the space marines with his freaking organic farm!!?”

Hitler is basically then apoplectic and beyond disappointed in James Cameron and the mediocre special effects. “They said the 3D would be so good it’d be like having your eyeballs fucked! He should have left ‘Ferngully: the Last Rainforest’ to Lucas!”

Other choice bon mots include: “Mein Furher, the trailer has disappointed fans to the point of indifference. Avatar looked like a glossed up Land Before Time 3.” Off Hitler’s angry response to this posit. “Anyone that hasn’t seen ‘Pirahana 2,’ Xenogenesis’ or ‘Dark Angel,’ please leave now.”
– And this genius line: “Cameron has spent too much time underwater and has taken the Hollywood opiate of putting technology before story!”
Hitler’s frustration with Cameron: “Who the hell wants Clone Wars: Thundercats!??”

Holy shit, that’s funny. This vid is priceless and a must-watch. [A+]Thanks to Russ at /Film for pointing this out to us last night and Jeff Wells for reminding us to watch it this morning.

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