Thursday, March 6, 2025

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New Pics From ‘Prometheus’ Deepen The Mystery

nullPerhaps the most remarkable thing about the "Prometheus" marketing campaign thus far is that it has managed to be both breathlessly exciting with some of the best cut trailers of the year, but also relatively still deeply mysterious. While the broad strokes of the story are known, just where they will lead is anyone's guess. In an era that now counts teasers for trailers (the worst), motion posters and other novelties as ways to get audience attention, "Prometheus" remains fresh because its approach is almost old school, relying simply on images and trailers to do the work. And now a few more have arrived that deepen the mystery.

HeyUGuys has unveiled a handful of new pics (as well as some more kitschy animated gifs which you can view on their site) that don't show off the characters so much as the world they inhabit. The pic up above is easily the best of the lot, showing off….what is that? A sculpture? An artifact of humanity's earliest existence? And the other images feature heads, digital graphics and spaceships all bringing us into the world of "Prometheus" but leaving much more to be discovered.

So yeah, we're stoked. "Prometheus" arrives in 3D on June 8th and will probably be rated PG-13.nullnullnull

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