Who knows what the geek world will make of this little nugget of news, but in the latest print issue of Empire magazine, along with some slick new images from the film, “Tron: Legacy” director Joseph Kosinski reveals, “David Fincher has seen my rough cut, he’s giving me good notes.”
Now before the Internet explodes with rumors that the film is in trouble or Fincher is coming to rescue it or some bullshit, directors showing each other their films for feedback or advice is actually a pretty common practice, and happens more often than most helmers care to admit. It’s definitely no surprise that Kosinski, who is making his directorial debut with a big, important franchise reboot for Disney, is seeking out some tips on how to make it better. Mostly, we’re tickled by the idea of Fincher geeking out over “Tron: Legacy.”
The film will make a big splash at Comic-Con in San Diego in a couple of weeks and will hit theaters, in 3D of course, on December 17th. More images after the jump: