Saturday, March 1, 2025

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The Onion Lampoons Michel Gondry’s “Whimsical” Imagination And Flights Of Fancy

Kudos to the Onion for this fun dig at the capricious and whimsical flights of Michel Gondry’s oh-so-precious imagination and the ability to imagineer something out of the most prosaic every day object (he’s kind of like the Macgyver of the mind).

In an article titled, “Michel Gondry Entertained For Days By New Cardboard Box, the comedy website digs into the French director’s artistic flights of fancy and it’s spot-on hilarity.

Here’s the choice parts.

Director Michel Gondry has spent nearly a week developing his latest flight of artistic fancy by playing make-believe in a large corrugated cardboard box, sources close to the daring filmmaker announced Tuesday.

The [director[ reportedly dragged the washing-machine box into the foyer of his $2.1 million Upper West Side apartment after it was discarded by a neighbor Saturday morning. Using only a crayon and his imagination, Gondry was able to effortlessly transform the box into a submarine, a spaceship, and a castle.

He also reportedly turned the box into a super-secret fort.

“This particular medium is wonderful to work in because of its limitless possibility,” Gondry said from his curled-up position inside the box. “I’m working at the bubble factory right now, but later I’m going to go bobsledding down a rainbow.”

Lolz, 5/5. Oh, Michel you silly little Frenchman, you!

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