Monday, March 3, 2025

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Plot Details For Wally Pfister’s ‘Transcendence’ Reveal Story Set Around “Technological Singularity”


To say that plot details surrounding Wally Pfister‘s “Transcendence” have been kept locked up is an understatement. Employing the veil of secrecy utilized by his former boss Christopher Nolan, Pfister has headed into his directorial debut with an all-star cast (Johnny Depp, Rebecca Hall, Kate Mara, Paul Bettany, Morgan Freeman and Cillian Murphy) and story details thus far that haven’t gone beyond something vague about a scientist getting his brain uploaded to a computer. Or something. Well, a few more details have found their way to the internet.

New Mexico specific casting and film production site Sindication reveals that the movie follows “two leading computer scientists work toward their goal of Technological Singularity, as a radical anti-technology organization fights to prevent them from creating a world where computers can transcend the abilities of the human brain.” While Wikipedia has the full breakdown of what “technological singularity” means, essentially, it’s the theory/discussion of what would happen if technology created superintelligence without human aid. Basically — what would happen if computers created things beyond our understanding?

Of course, all this stuff will be wrapped up in a piece of popcorn entertainment, but it’s a pretty heady idea to play with. It also sounds a bit like the sci-fi version of “The East.” Anyway, some stuff to think about for now. Production is underway in New Mexico, and if you have a “late model hybrid/smart car of the Prius, Volkswagen and Volvo variety,” they wouldn’t mind borrowing it to help create the look of futuristic Los Angeles. “Transcendence” opens on April 18, 2014.

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