Friday, February 14, 2025

Got a Tip?

Preparing To Say Goodbye To The Sopranos: Only For Real This Time

Yes, it’s about that time, the show is over, the water cooler has cooled and the collective consciousness is moving on (and likely not to “John From Cincinnati” either). We’ve laughed, cried, been confused, thought our cable connection died, been frustrated; felt fear, denial and then finally a mix of hunger, sleepiness and finally, resignation.

The SOPRANOS ARE FUCKING OVER! So until those alternate scenes where the black guys and the members only jacket shoot Tony in front of his family inevitably leak online (ala the I Hate Huckabees clips) we’re going to forgo daily updates on the Sopranos. That is unless more cast members come out and talk, the aforementioned clips leak or Silvio wakes from the coma (we’re pulling for you Sil!), David Chase speaks again, more scenes that didn’t make the final are discussed publicly, the movie is announced, the movie plans are cancelled and… well, you get it.

So here’s a few of the last dying gasps of fans trying to keep the Sopranos discussion and theory positing, going on and on and on (don’t stop believin’, yo):
– Score the Sopranos finale with any mp3. You add the mp3 over the clip with no sound and voila, you have an incredibly rudimentary and weeny way to play your favorite ironic Weird Al song overtop the silent 3:20 minutes of the last scene. It’s like being your own inept music supervisor star! [Stereogum]
– A final page of the original script, in which Meadow takes HER SEAT [omg] at the table before the episode fades to black, was scrapped, what??? (meanwhile HBO still cling to the “no alternative endings were shot” claim) [USA Today]
– Ford employees were aghast that their vehicle added the insult to Phil Leotardo’s crushed melon death. [Auto Insiders]
– One of the creators of Lost thought the finale was “letter perfect.” [NYTimes]
– However, there’s no way on earth Lost would ever end their series in such a murky manner. [Yahoo]
– Sleuths and conspiracy theorists debate the larger and social implications of the onion ring on A.J’s life and their impact on the very nature of human existence. [L.A. Times]
– Tony’s body explodes into a pile of meat, the Kligons attack, the Paulie Walnuts spin-off series, watch all the goofy videos and alternate endings your heart desires. [YouTube]
– One last look at the music of the Sopranos via a very cool Rolling Stone feature where you can watch classic scenes and the music that underscored them. [Rolling Stone]
– The Greatest Music on Television? The Soprano’s Steven Van Zandt wrote an excellent piece on the history of music in films and TV that we had posted back in April, but it’s definitely worth a second look. [Reuters]
– Last but not least. You should have see it coming. David Chase told Vanity Fair back in March that the season would end in an unresolved manner, but this part is priceless: “There’s a famous story about an actor who said to Chase what actors often say, ‘My character wouldn’t say this.’ Chase responded, ‘Who says it’s your character?’ ” [Vanity Fair]

Download: A3 – “Woke Up This Morning (Chosen One Mix)” [aka the Sopranos Theme]
Download: Journey – “Don’t Stop Believing”

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