Sunday, February 9, 2025

Got a Tip?

Raaaaaaaandy: The Spin-Off Movie?

OK, so “Funny People,” Judd Apatow’s new long-ass film (2 hours and 26 minutes) starring Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen. One of the minor characters in the film is Raaaaaaaandy, played by comedian, Aziz Ansari. The character is essentially a spoof of a Dane Cook-like comedian, who is really terrible, but thinks he’s great, because the adoring crowd loves his lame shtick. He’s barely in the movie, doesn’t overstay his welcome and within the context of the film, the character works well.

But is there more on the way, a possible, Raaaaaaaaaandy spin-off movie? Judd Apatow told JoBlo it’s something he’s considering.

“Randy isn’t in the movie anywhere near as much we wish he was. Something hilariously magical happened when Aziz showed up. So we all said, ‘What else can we do?’ Let’s just make a documentary! We just couldn’t stop writing for him. And now we’re talking about making the RANDY movie. We can’t get enough of Randy…”

Ansari has already said there’s a ton of Raaaaaaandy out there and with all the Funny or Die footage out there already, he’s not kidding (he also said a lot of the material will be on the excessively long “Funny People,” DVD).

Gotta admit, this third Raaaaaaandy documentary clip released today finally made us laugh pretty hard. It’s pretty solid stuff. But Raaaaaaandy as a movie? We’re starting to hate this spin-off Apatow world thing, like Russell Brand’s character from “Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” moving to “Get Him To The Greek.” The intra-universe thing that Kevin Smith, Tarantino and other filmmakers do? Nerdlingers do love the shit out of those meta-spheres, but it gets played out quick and we’re hoping the Apatow gang doesn’t get too caught up in it. Wanna develop an original Apatow/Ansari project? Sure, go for it, but Raaaaaaaandy seems like too much of making an SNL skit its own movie and we know how that generally turns out. “Funny People,” hits theaters this Friday, July 31. We haven’t had time to write a proper review, but we did bang out a “thoughts” review in a post late last week if you’re curious.

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