One only has to look at Ridley Scott's IMDB page to realize of the many, many, many, many projects he has in development, at the age of 74, the sand in hourglass is running out and he's not going to get to them all. But don't tell him that, as the director keeps piling them on. Most recently the "Blade Runner" sequel and a western that's most likely "The Color Of Lightning" have been buzzed about the most, and of course, there's "The Counselor" which he'll shoot this fall. And we presume that after "Prometheus" opens this weekend, provided all goes to plan, sequel chatter will begin to pick up around that film as well (he's already been talking about it). But of course, there's even more he's working on.
The director recently sat down with Esquire, and when they casually suggested they'd like to see him direct a movie based on a Bible story, he revealed he already has one moving. "I've got something else in the works. I'm already doing it. It's called 'Moses.' Seriously, seriously. It's going to happen," he said. "I probably shouldn't have let that slip out. I'm not supposed to say anything. It's definitely in the cards, though. What's interesting to me about Moses isn't the big stuff that everybody knows. It's things like his relationship with Ramses [II, the pharaoh]. I honestly wasn't paying attention in school when I was told the story of Moses. Some of the details of his life are extraordinary."
Hollywood has recently become obsessed with telling the story of Moses (again) with Warner Bros. and Fox both developing projects. The WB movie, titled "Gods And Kings," has Steven Spielberg lining up to direct, though with "Robopocalypse" recently pushed to 2014, it's going to be a long time before he gets to that. So we're guessing that Scott is involved with the Fox project, as they might be eager to keep the "Prometheus" helmer under their roof (they're also backing "The Counselor"). If so, the movie has an initial script by Bill Collage and Adam Cooper who also wrote a Marco Polo film for the studio (that's not related to the Tarsem Singh/Gong Li vehicle announced not too long ago).
So we'll see if/when/how this gets made, but in the meantime, just add it Ridley Scott's growing slate of stuff he might do.