Ron Howard Is Much More Realistic About The 'Arrested Development' Movies Chances

You gotta love Ron Howard. He might be the master of bland, Hollywood milquetoast cinema, but he’s an amenable little dude.

Just yesterday, the too-eager Jeffrey Tambor was like, “it’s a go!,” but the agreeable Howard is much more realistic about the films chances. Also? He understands our pain of the back and forthrightness of it all. That said, it looks like Tambor was onto something and things started moving forward this week. Though, as we suspected, there’s no script yet and series creator Mitch Hurwitz has been busy with his new show. Sounds like he just found some free time though (it’s not like his show got canceled though, did it? update: recent news suggests it might not have gotten off the ground, it’s still on on Fox’s TV sched)

“I really hope we do it. The reason there’s been so much back and forth is… well, for two reasons, is the business understanding coming from the studio side was not clear, so even though we were wanting to do it and said, ‘Yeah, maybe we could’ but things weren’t defined. I think that’s really come into focus in the last week or so. [Series creator] Mitch [Hurwitz]’s full-on commitment to not only write it but direct it is something he’s been wrestling with, he’s been launching a TV show at the same time, so he couldn’t let it really be at the forefront of his mind creatively. It is now. He seems very committed. We still don’t have a script. Yeah, he’s got some great ideas, and the cast seemed very excited about it and I certainly am. I’m very, very hopeful—more hopeful now than ever—that it’s really going to happen.”

So yeah, sounds like Hurwitz is “committed” and it’s “hopefully” going to happen. We won’t hold our breath though. [ComingSoon via FilmSchoolRejects]