Obviously, it shouldn’t need to be said but **spoilers ahead**. At any rate, "Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One" is now filming with Gareth Edwards directing a cast that includes Felicity Jones, Riz Ahmed, Diego Luna, Forest Whitaker, and probably Ben Mendelsohn even though he keeps dancing around it in interviews. We already know the basic plot will revolve around a group of rebels who hatch a plan to steal the blueprints of the Death Star. However, while the movie is being touted as a standalone, it looks like a once iconic character will be making an appearance.
According to Birth Movies Death, Darth Vader will step into view "via viewscreen or holo projection or something," although a face-to-face, flesh and blood appearance as well, isn’t ruled out. Meanwhile, word about Grand Moff Tarkin — the big honcho who runs the Death Star once it’s up and running — and a possible pop up appearance as well was kept on the down low by the source the outlet talked to.
Does Darth Vader appearing in a movie about the Death Star make sense? Of course. But let’s hope if this this true, he’s organically introduced and not shoe-horned into making some kind of Marvel-style universe connectivity, just because they can.
"Star Wars: Rogue One" arrives on December 16, 2016.