Sunday, March 2, 2025

Got a Tip?

Rumor: David S. Goyer, ‘Wonder Woman’ Film, 2013, Go!

We’re hearing, yet another good… sure, call it a rumor, we’re not 100% on this one either, but again, very intriguing.

Ok, remember how we said that David S. Goyer was potentially being considered a frontrunner to direct “Superman: The Man of Steel” reboot godfathered by Christopher Nolan, but might not be able to because he was considering another super-hero property?

Well, here it is. We’re hearing that at ComicCon sometime in the next 48 hours or so WB/Legendary are going to announce Goyer and a “Wonder Woman” film for 2013. What’s Goyer’s role going to be. As a director? A writer? We’re honestly not sure, the intel is fuzzy.

Again, we don’t know if this is true, so take with a huge grain of salt if you will, but it’s intriguing information if it’s correct.

Either way, “Wonder Woman” is long overdue to hit the screen (would be nice to get a female super hero perspective that isn’t “Elektra”) and even if this info isn’t true, we’re pretty confident that some kind of Amazonian announcement is going to take place. If Goyer is simply just writing? And let’s not forget, it was his “Superman” reboot idea that was so good that Christopher Nolan said, “I’m taking that to Warner Bros. Well if he is, we do have a certain director in mind that he should snatch up, asap.

Goyer’s hands have been all over comic book film properties in recent years including writing for “Ghost Rider,” “Batman Begins,” “The Dark Knight,” “X-Men Origins: Magneto,” “Superman: Man of Steel,” the “Blade” series and more, so if this does in fact turn up roses, we imagine fans will be extremely happy. Fingers crossed?

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