Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Sad Trombone: ‘John Carter’ Fans Use Booth At Comic-Con To Collect Signatures For A Sequel

nullWell, you gotta admire their spirit. Conveniently ignoring that Disney themselves have written off Andrew Stanton‘s "John Carter" as a $200 million mistake, fans on various corners of the internet continue to stump for a sequel to the movie. And this campaign is getting organized. There’s an official Back To Barsoom website, an online petition aimed at crossing the desk of Disney honcho Alan Horn, and believe it or not, these folks have shelled out some cash to back up their word, with a presence at Comic-Con to keep collecting names from folks who want to see the formerly developing "John Carter: The God Of Mars."

"There is a booth at ‪#SDCC‬ asking for signatures for a petition to have a John Carter sequel," someone in San Diego tweeted today. And we almost couldn’t believe it, so we did some digging, and yep, according to related site John Carter Two, they are indeed at Comic-Con, sharing a table where they are not only making sure to keep hope alive, but doing some giveaways for "John Carter"-related gear as well. In essence, they are marketing the movie long after Disney has given up, and you would hope the studio is paying attention, if only to throw them swag for their trouble.

There is an earnest sadness about this whole effort, which will largely be futile in the end. Frankly, these are kinds of fans Disney could’ve used before the movie came out, not after. But if you’re one of the few who thinks a studio will spend a couple hundred million on a blockbuster with Taylor Kitsch in the lead, click above and let your voice be heard. Or put one of these posters on your Facebook page to get the word out.nullnull

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