Teen horniness is not a crime! It’s a parody of Britney Spears and other half-dressed pop tarts, get it?! Get it? It’s so ironic.
Here’s the thing about Richard Kelly director of “Donnie Darko” and the newly released misfire “Southland Tales.” He think’s he is funny (he is not). He thinks his movie is a comedy and hilarious (you laugh occasionally at the absurdity, but mostly you laugh at it).
Subtley is apparently not his forte. Anyhow, in the film Sarah Michelle Gellar plays a porn-star/pop singer (get it? get it?) and she writes the meant to be serious song, “Teen Horniness Is Not A Crime” and we’re supposed to find it deliciously funny! The track is available on the recently release “Southland Tales” soundtrack which also features existing songs by the Pixies, Jane’s Addicition, Moby and others (apparently Kelly is trapped in a ’90s bubble).
Ugh, whatever. Here’s the track. Some of you will squeal with delight at the so-bad-it’s-good irony. Braid your hair to it or something.
Download: Sarah Michelle Gellar – “Teen Horniness Is Not A Crime”