We all know Marvel Studios loves a team-up movie. Even their “solo” movies typically feature another recognizable name in the supporting cast. The “Captain America” films always had someone for Cap to team up with. “Spider-Man: Homecoming” featured Iron Man. “The Marvels” has three superpowered leads. You get the idea. Well, the next film on Marvel’s docket is none other than the team-up film “Deadpool & Wolverine.” And according to the filmmaker behind that movie, if he had his way, Deadpool would continue to star in team-up films, especially if he can nab one of Marvel’s biggest assets.
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Speaking to TotalFilm, Shawn Levy talked about what makes Deadpool such a good character for team-up films. And he even went a step farther to reveal which team-up he’d like to see next.
“The thing about Deadpool is I think he makes everything more interesting because of his audacity,” Levy said. “But, boy, I’d sure love to see Deadpool and Spidey. That’s a movie I’d love to make. I feel like Tom Holland would run circles around everyone else.”
Levy isn’t wrong about his idea. Spider-Man and Deadpool definitely would work together. That’s why we’ve seen the duo team up in numerous comic books over the years. The witty banter from Deadpool works great with the humor of Spider-Man. And now that Marvel Studios could make it happen, who wouldn’t want to see it?
Of course, it’s more likely that Shawn Levy will direct the next ‘Avengers’ film and get the chance to have the two characters cross paths. It’s highly unlikely we’d get an R-rated team-up film with the duo.
For now, fans will just have to be happy with the film “Deadpool & Wolverine.” And if that film does amazingly well, which it seems like it’s going to do, then Marvel might be willing to have the Merc with a Mouth cross paths with other MCU characters.