Shortcuts: Michel Gondry Talks 'Green Hornet,' 'Transformers 2' Becomes 4 Sexy Minutes Longer, First Official 'Expendables' Pics

Michel Gondry recently detailed the video he demoed for Seth Rogen and Evan Golberg which ultimately won him the director’s chair for the “Green Hornet” adaptation. “It was not elaborate…I changed the speed of the camera at different spots in the image different times. So it seems like [Green Hornet and Kato] are in the same world but at different times, and then they’re back together. It’s [as if] they’re in different dimensions, but when they touch each other, they come into the same dimension.” Not elaborate you say? Sounds amazing though.

Gondry was also asked about the tone of film and potential similarities to Rogen’s previous projects: “I think we’re all trying to be a little different than we were before on this project, just by interacting with each other and the producer Neil Moritz adds a different taste as well, so all that will create a new universe.”

Godnry also says he wants original TV actor Van Williams (now 75-years-old) to cameo and says he has an actor in mind for the villain who will be named Mr. X or Dr. Mabuse (nice Fritz Lang reference), but he won’t say who he is. “I hope I’m going to get the actor I want; I can’t say his name, but believe me — he’s going to be scary like hell.” [MTV/CS]

Michael Bay has taken time away from his new Twitter account (Boom!) to reveal (ooooh) that “Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen” will have a running time 147 minutes. As Bay boasts, “it’s four minutes longer than the last one.”Does that mean its also four minutes better than the original? Congratulations. [MTV]

“Iron Man” talk: Faran Rizi, who played the terrorist leader in the original, but will not be in the sequel, speculates whether his character could in fact be The Mandarin in “Iron Man 3.” Fat chance, they’ll cast a name actor. [SciFi]

A bunch of pictures have been released on the official “The Expendables” blog. On your right is Eric Roberts, Steve Austin and the big orange guy is one massive explosion. Expect Academy Awards. [Ethelmae’s Blog]

What could one expect McG to follow up action blockbuster “Terminator Salvation” with? How about a musical? He is in talks to bring to the big screen,”Spring Awakening,” a musical coming-of-age story that follows a group of teens discovering their sexuality whilst dealing with topics like masturbation, abortion, rape and suicide. Sounds like something definitely suited for his delicate touch. [THR]