Friday, February 28, 2025

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Spike Jonze’s ‘Where The Wild Things Are’: Reshoots For All Of June?

We’ve all heard the drama surrounding Spike Jonze’s adaptation of potty-mouth sailor children’s author Maurice Sendak‘s beloved kids novel, “Where The Wild Things Are.”

The long and short of it: Warner Bros. had been allegedly displeased with the final product and asked Jonze to reshoot some of the film – the reshoots of which were confirmed by the producer of the film John Carls who also verified that a new writer (Jon Vitti) had been brought on board to spruce up some scenes (and this writer wrote the recent live-action version of “Alvin In The Chipmunks,” but also wrote some key and classic episodes of The Simpsons during their early ’90s heydays – including “Mr. Plow” – plus many episodes of the “Larry Sanders Show“).

News of all the various developments on the film over the last few months – the mere suggestion of reshoots, the possibility of reshoots, the actuality of reshoots, the news of a new writer not named David Eggers, the idea that Jonze’s childlike brilliance would be questioned for one second – were met with waves of collective hysteria, apocalyptic end-of-times panic, mass group suicides and myriad faintings.

Anywhoo, so the horror-enthusiast website – who’s stellar reporting in the media fumbles include, “Paul Thomas Anderson shooting horror film!” (wrong), “Rob Zombie shooting Conan The Barbarian remake!” (wrong) – reported on Saturday that reshoots on ‘Wild Things’ would begin on Wednesday June 5 and would continue until the end of the month and though they were unclear how much was being reshot, apparently there were “new casting calls out for various stand-in roles” in the last weeks.

As FirstShowing notes, a full 25 days of reshoots doesn’t exactly bode well, or at least is not the greatest sign in the world. That’s a lot of reshooting.

To say anything else though is the kind of specious speculation we detest, and it is so in reality it could be that Jonze is actually going on a Caribbean cruise ship vacations for 25 days for all we really know, but various reports do seem to corroborate that the reshoots are taking place (and hey, horror sites are always due to get some story right). ‘Wild Things’ voice actor Tom Noonan recently spoke about the film in Cannes, but he didn’t say anything we don’t already know.

Stay tuned…

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