Surprise! 'Arrested Development' Is Delayed. Again.

We briefly mentioned the upcoming Mitch Hurtwitz and Will Arnett Fox sitcom “Wilde Kingdom” this morning, and though we didn’t say it, it seemed pretty obvious that it meant the long-gestating “Arrested Development” feature film would be pushed back again.

Speaking to Jason Bateman on the Oscar red carpet, MTV reports that the actor has revealed that, yes, the movie is delayed again and has to wait for the Hurwitz/Arnett sitcom to do its thing. When asked for any updates, Bateman said “Nothing new. We’re hoping for the end of the year,” but that the film is “still coming.”

By this point, fan expectations are either through the roof or (like this writer) they just don’t care anymore. But considering that every time any cast member of the show has press to do, journalists are gonna ask about it, we’re guessing we’ll be updating this story through 2015 at least.