'There Will Be Blood' Soundtrack Art And Photos; More Deets

Ok, we admit, we don’t make posts that are generally just photos and art, but the artwork for Jonny Greenwood’s “There Will Be Blood” score (the CD details of which we broke) is pretty damn excellent and unique.

That and the fact that the script just leaked, we’re kind of dying to see Paul Thomas Anderson’s creative left turn (though we haven’t read the script yet and we’re still contemplating if we’ll spoil it for ourselves):

Based on the Upton Sinclair Novel, “Oil!,” PTA’s long-awaited features Daniel Day-Lewis as a ravenous and misanthropic oil baron who gives not a flying fuck about all humanity, save for his young son. Paul Dano co-stars as a young priest (the only other “name” actor) trying to dispel Day Lewis’ greedy scrooge from ruining their California town

Meanwhile tons of production photos from the film have been making their way onto the web which is nice considering that there was a paucity of material out there before. When it rains it pours I guess. As has been noted, two tracks from Greenwood’s score (“Henry Plainview” and “Proven lands”) are excerpts taken from his Popcorn Superhet Receiver composition and you can recognize some of that specific material in the film’s trailer (you can here the 15-minute plus piece in its entirety here).

Many reviews have already praised Greenwood’s apparently haunting score (many are calling it integral to the film’s supense), and the Amazon write-up has it’s own review and details:

Guitarist Jonny Greenwood has composed a hauntingly dramatic instrumental score for Oscar nominated writer-directorPaul Thomas Anderson s ambitious new film, “There Will Be Blood”… It s a certain awards contender. Greenwood s remarkable compositions, written primarily for strings, have already garnered considerable praise in advance reviews.The score resembles his rock compositions only in the level of daring and inventiveness to be found throughout these tracks and in the unsettling atmosphere he is able to conjure at key moments. Greenwood s score is more indicative of his current collaborations with the BBC Orchestra as Composer In Residence…”There Will Be Blood” takes Anderson in a radically different direction than his celebrated earlier films, “Boogie Nights” and “Magnolia” dazzling, attention-grabbing movies marked by multiple plot lines, ensemble casts and surreal visual elements. Anderson s new work is a stark period piece filmed on arid Texas plains; critics have likened it to the brilliantly austere work of such revered directors as Stanley Kubrick and Terence Malick (“Days Of Heaven”). The soundtrack will appeal to serious movie-music fans, who will appreciate this rare find: an intelligent, beautifuland deeply cinematic orchestrated score performed by the BBC Orchestra and London Sinfonietta that can hold its own next to the classic work of such composers as Bernard Herrman, Elmer Bernstein and Ennio Morricone.

There Will Be Blood Soundtrack tracklist (if you missed it the first time)
01. Open Spaces (4:00)
02. Future Markets (2:44)
03. Prospectors Arrive (4:40)
04. Eat Him By His Own Light (3:36)
05. Henry Plainview (4:14)
06. There Will Be Blood (2:08)
07. Oil (3:04)
08. Proven Lands (4:49)
09. HW / Hope of New Fields (2:29)
10. Smear (9:58)