You know, when we first reported the existence of Toby Keith’s upcoming film, “Beer For My Horses,” we consciously tried to stay away from the easy, redneck, white trash jokes. The guy is afterall a huge superstar in the U.S. who sells boatloads more records than probably the artists we listen to, and that shit tends to get old, but holy shit is this trailer just a hot, KFC-mess of Git ‘Er Done stereotypes that mostly speak for themselves. The film also boasts appearances by Claire Forlani and cameos by Willie Nelson and Tom Skerritt, but 11 Words: Ted Nugent shooting uzis into the air for no apparent reason. Could this possibly a self-aware joke? The road-trip-centric script centers on two deputies who defy their local Sheriff by attempting to save a girlfriend from trafficking drug barons and sure as hell doesn’t sound like a comedy. It’s the type of trailer where you ask yourself, ‘where in the hell is Van Damme?”
Toby Keith Is Like “America, Fuck Yeah!” In ‘Beer For My Horses’ Trailer