Saturday, March 1, 2025

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Trade News: ‘Sex And The City 2’ Confirmed, Dreamworks Moving To Disney?

One of The Playlist’s biggest mistakes of 2008 was trying to understand the other half and not just throw facile, ad hominem attacks at the “Sex & The City,” movie, especially given that around the time of the movie’s release, the criticism was full of wanton and ugly sexism (do you really talk to your mom, sister, girlfriend, spouse with that mouth?). It made us ill, so we decided to go pay and see ‘Sex,’ to put our money where our mouths was and not just talk out our ass — we wanted to be informed. *Shudder* Just thinking about the experience makes our blood curdle. Such much for pre-judgements being off base. Anyhow, “Sex & The City 2” looks close to happening. All the cast members have signed on apparently. Why would they make a sequel? Didn’t ‘Sex’ the feature end where everyone was relatively happy? Well, the film did great box-office business in spite of the terrible reviews, so where there’s dollars-smoke, there’s always in-production fire. This time we’ll either get a screening or just pass. Summer 2010 is the planned release date despite a script or basic idea. [Variety]

Jennifer Aniston wants Jason Bateman’s sperm. They’ll star in the fertility-themed comedy “The Baster.” Of course it’s one of the classic, sperm mix-up stories we all love and know. It’s being helmed by the people that gave us the fairly mediocre “Blades Of Glory” (though Will Ferrell admittedly salvaged some moments here and there). [Variety]

Is Dreamworks going to move to Disney? Spielberg and co. are apparently they’re in “advanced talks.” Walt Disney would probably be a good home for “Tin Tin.” Guess that Universal deal walked out the door. [TheBagger]

Timothy Hutton has joined Roman Polanski’s new political thriller called, “Ghost,” that already stars Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, Kim Cattrall, Tom Wilkinson, Jim Belushi and Olivia Williams . [THR]

The Sundance film “Arlen Faber” has been picked up by Magnolia. [THR]

Tom Tykwer’s “The International” with Clive Owen and Naomi Watts has stumbled right out of the gate at the Berlin Film Festival. Both Variety and Hollywood Reporter reviews are poor and make this one sound totally forgettable/ skippable. Guys, Times Square already warned us earlier this week.

Nobody seems to care for the new “Land of The Lost” trailer, even the geeks, who normally love CGI-looking, “Jurrasic Park”-esque, “fun” summer romps. Check any sci-fi type site and almost none of them have good things to say. We can’t argue, but then again, we thought the idea of this project was baaaad from minute one. [Trailer]

The Method Fest film festival will honor Peter Bogdanovich with its Auteur Director Award on February 26. That should be the official, wear an ascot or handkerchief around your neck day in honor of good ol’ Bogdanovich. Even after he fell off cinematically, how can you not love his cinema obsessiveness? While you’re at it rent, 1981’s “They All Laughed” which just became available on DVD for the first time late last year. Ben Gazzara rules. [THR]

Is John Madden’s (tne “Shakespeare in Love” director, not the Football lug) new project, Oscar-bait, thriller or both? Jessica Chastain (Terrence Malick’s upcoming, “The Tree of Life“), Helen Mirren, Ciaran Hinds and Tom Wilkinson have all signed on for the Mossad-Nazi thriller, “Debt.” [THR]

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