Tuesday, February 4, 2025

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Umm, Way? Micheal Moore Making “Fahrenheit 9/11” Sequel

Wtf? How do you do a documentary sequel to an event that happened seven years ago? Do you follow the aftermath of those events?

That appears to be what Michael Moore will be doing with his sequel to “Fahrenheit 9/11” (not subtitled: “This Time It’s War” or “Payback Is A Bitch” unfortunately). The controversial documentarian/ed-op director will attempt to shop the project to international buyers when the Cannes Film Festival and market get under way today according to Variety.

Evidently Paramount Vantage and Overture Films, will co-finance and co-produce the untitled documentary, which will apparently be set for a 2009 release.

Moore has had major success at Cannes before. “Fahrenheit’s” indictment of the Bush administration in the handling of 9/11 won the coveted Palm d’Or in 2004.

The director is currently at work on the project. “Clearly, we have a movie of global appeal here. Michael Moore is a very talented filmmaker, and this is a branded property,” PV head Nick Meyer said.

According to Variety:

Sequel will pick up where “Fahrenheit” left off. In the time since, President Bush’s popularity has plummeted, while the Iraq war continues and the economy falters.

Gee, doesn’t that set-up sort of sound like Oliver Stone’s project and not a documentary? This strikes us as odd as much as we are big champions of Moore’s work (“Sicko” was vastly underattended and underrated – Americans aren’t generally interested in hearing about their shitty healthcare system and would rather go see tent pole eye-candy instead). We’re kind of shocked actually. This is a strange move. We wish Moore would go tackle some other subject.

Micheal, wasn’t ‘9/11’ a polemic ideally (and possibly naively) aimed at forcing Bush out of office? Or at least waking people the fuck up? Because by the time this comes out, he’ll be long gone. Will anyone give a shit then? Sure, it’s great to point out the government’s mistakes, but what will be the interest be if that government is long gone?

“Remember that asshole? He sucked,” isn’t likely going to entice moviegoers, especially since American audiences love to forget and move on (and with Bush, who can blame them?)

Update: Also? Apparently this is old news as it was quickly referenced in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it piece in the New York Times last April that said, “Michael Moore has yet to unveil ‘Fahrenheit 9/11.5.’ ” But apparently this was being planned as far back as 2004. Oh, how quickly we forget in the blog world.

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