While it won’t arrive in theaters until 2015, “Star Wars: Episode VII” is still easily one of the most eagerly anticipated films of the decade by apostle-like fans. There’s been talk that Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia will all return in one form or another. And did plot details just leak about what Skywalker’s role will be?
In a long piece in Reuters about shooting the Yavin scenes in “Star Wars” in Guatemala, there’s a curious little sidebar with some purported details.
Yavin 4 and the rebel base return to the ‘Star Wars’ plot in the forthcoming Episode VII, announced in October by the Walt Disney Co, in which Skywalker comes back to the planet to build a Jedi Knight academy. However, fans said that Disney will likely film those scenes in a studio rather than return to Tikal.
Update: [via Gizmodo]. Our hunch was right, the writer was off.
“This was a mistake. I misunderstood what fan clubs had told me and shown me in book plots and that storyline has not been announced by Disney. Perhaps I should have written something along the lines of ‘Yavin 4 appears in several Star Wars book plots and while Guatemala fans said they hope film crews return to Tikal, the company has not announced plans for the new episode.'”
Now Skywalker coming back as an older and wiser Jedi to train younger padawans makes a lot of sense. That way he doesn’t need to have a huge role in the picture and they can move on with a younger generation. In fact, in the recent issue of Empire, in a small update about “Star Wars” (which we’ll get to soon), the magazine talks about this being the original concept of the new trilogy: Skywalker coming back in a “cameo” role to train “a new hope.”
The downside/note caution: the news comes from a reporter in Guatemala, randomly discussing the Star Wars/Mayan collection (huh?) and it seems very unlikely that they would have gathered any official information. Fun to speculate though. The force is apparently strong in Guatemala according to the people that Reuters interviewed (not joking). [via /Film]