Friday, February 28, 2025

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Wachowski’s Shooting Tests For New Movie With Arianna Huffington?

The Wachowskis have been fairly quiet since their headache-inducing “Speed Racer” tanked at the box office last year, but it looks like they might be moving towards something. Arianna Huffington, owner and editor of the Huffington Post, tweeted yesterday that she was “On plane to chicago to take part in the Wachowskis’ movie on Iraq from the perspective of the future,” and followed up with a series of photos from the set, inciting no end of web speculation that the Wachowskis had secretly begun filming a new movie.

CHUD claim, and say that the shoot is test footage for “The Matrix” helmers’ next movie, rather than principal photography – according to their source, this shoot is most likely a camera test for the Red cameras (the low-cost, high quality digital cameras used by Soderbergh on “Che” and “The Informant,” and by Peter Jackson on “The Lovely Bones”). But, it suggests that something’s on the way from the reclusive directors.

There’s some speculation that it could be for an adaptation of David Mitchell’s extraordinary novel “Cloud Atlas,” which they’ve been working on with director Tom Twyker (“Run, Lola, Run”), but we’re not convinced by this – if Huffington’s report on it being ‘a movie on Iraq from the perspective of the future’ is correct, that bears no resemblance to “Cloud Atlas,” which has science-fiction aspects to it, but no mention of Iraq. Our best guess as to the nature of the project? Considering the sci-fi/Iraq angle, the stunt casting, and the terrible costume and hair design evidenced by these pictures? The Wachowskis are remaking “Southland Tales”…

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