Justice League, Wonder Woman & The Flash Films All In The Works
While we had our doubts yesterday about just how soon Warner Bros. planned on getting a Justice League movie into theaters, Hero Complex today confirms that yes, 2013 is the planned date — just one year after both Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises” and Zack Snyder‘s “Superman: Man of Steel” hit theaters. It’s a bold move and one we’re not quite sure is the best option, however, comic fans have been salivating for the mega DC-superhero team up and the script is currently in the works. As fans know, George Miller nearly got his version off the ground but it was complicated by the writers’ strike and subsequently fell apart. And while it remains to be seen who is directing and starring in the film (we presume Christian Bale won’t be involved, but Henry Cavill will) the bottom line is: cinemagoers won’t be without the iconic superheroes for too long.
However, the most interesting piece of news concerns the Batman franchise. With Christopher Nolan directing his last installment, “The Dark Knight Rises,” it looks like neither he nor Warner Bros. are ready to let go of huge comic tentpole just yet. Plans are to reboot it entirely — but with Christopher Nolan overlooking the process. “We have the third Batman, but then we’ll have to reinvent Batman,” Warner Bros. chief Jeff Robinov said. Asked if he meant a reboot, he said: “I do. Chris Nolan and [producing partner and wife] Emma Thomas will be producing it, so it will be a conversation with them about what the next phase is.”
It’s a pretty smart play by WB and for Nolan too. It keeps him well ensconced at the studio who bankrolled “Inception” and if he can keep making them bank, we’re sure that mutual relationship can continue. Although, how much can the franchise really and truly be refreshed if the director and visionary of the last three films is directly involved in the production? Guess we’ll have to see.
Also on the slate for Warner Bros. are films for The Flash and Wonder Woman, which are expected to spin off from the Justice League film. Last we heard Greg Berlanti was supposed to have turned in a script for “The Flash” last December, but word has been quiet. As for Wonder Woman, it seems to be an on again/off again project and while we hope the studio pays attention to Nicolas Winding Refn‘s desire to direct the film, don’t expect the upcoming NBC series to halt any development on the movie.
“Wonder Woman could be a film as well, the same way that ‘Superman Returns’ came out while ‘Smallville’ was on,” Robinov said.
So big, big plans ahead for WB and their comic franchise. Undoubtedly, they’re preparing as their current moneymakers — ‘Harry Potter’ and Nolan’s Batman films — are now drawing to a close and in broader terms, it looks like comic films are going to be here to stay for the foreseeable future.