Watch: Are The 'Iron Man 3' End Credits Actually Good Or Completely Out Of Place?

Iron Man 3, end creditsBy now, you’re likely part of the group of everyone on the planet who went to see “Iron Man 3” last weekend. And while we broke down what we liked, and what we didn’t about the third installment in our “Iron Man 3” feature yesterday, the bottom line us that, for the most part, we really enjoyed the movie. But these closing credits are a pretty good reminder of just how messy Marvel movies in general can be.

With the movie ending on a bit of a melancholy note (no spoilers), and with Tony Stark wrapping things up in a pretty hasty, we-really-need-to-tie-this-up voiceover, “Iron Man 3” then explodes into a pretty obnoxious, jazzhands, disco freakout credit sequence that is tonally out of whack with everything else. But maybe it’s in super-overdrive, skullfuck mode because you’ll be sitting around for five more minutes waiting for the obligatory post-credits scene? We suppose Marvel has got to keep you glued to your seat somehow. Anyway, watch them below and let us know your verdict.