Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Watch: ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’ Gets ‘Sesame Street’ Parody ‘Aveggies: Age Of BonBon’

Avengers: Age Of Ultron The AveggiesAs “Avengers: Age of Ultron” continues to obliterate overseas box office records a mere four days away from opening in the good ol’ U.S. of A, ($200.2 million in 44 markets – not too shabby, Marvel!) fanboys the world over are being inundated with every conceivable kind of marketing for Joss Whedon’s juggernaut-sized superhero sequel. However, if you’ve ever wanted to see Thor’s hammer transformed into a golden-burnt marshmallow, then boy have we got something to show you. Once again, the good folks over at “Sesame Street” have tried their hand at parodying a mainstream cultural trend. In this case, it’s a brand spankin’ new and super-kiddie-friendly trailer for “Aveggies: Age of BonBon”: a ‘Street’-wise variation on the ‘Avengers’ sequel that is bound to get the tykes in the room grinning from ear to ear.

If you’ll recall, the “Sesame Street” brain trust also recently attempted to update Netflix’s bleak and massively popular series “House of Cards” for the Sunday Morning crowd. ‘Age of BonBon’ is assuredly a more explosive affair, replete with the characteristic 360-degree group shots from the first ‘Avengers’ movie and lots of corny, mostly food-related puns. Unsurprisingly, Cookie Monster plays this story’s version of the Hulk alongside fellow caped crusaders like Captain AmeriCauliflower (seriously, the guy thinking of these puns must be making a bundle) and the wonderfully named Zuchin-eye. And what is the mission of the Aveggies, might you ask? Why, it’s to eradicate artery-clogging, dessert-related villainy in all its manifestations – all in the name of justice, nutrition and a well-balanced diet! Like we said, for the kids, but “Avengers” die-hards who grew up with “Sesame Street” may find their curiosity piqued. Here’s the synopsis below:

A super villain was prepared to destroy all the healthy foods in the world, until one hero – actually, several heroes stuck together – to save the world’s vegetables! Together, Dr. Brownie, Onion Man, Captain AmeriCauliflower, Black Bean Window, Mighty Corn and Zuchin-eye are… the Aveggies!

“Avengers: Age of Ultron” is currently playing overseas and is set to bow in American cinemas on May 1st (good luck getting a ticket). Watch the five-minute “Sesame Street” homage below… [via Flickering Myth]

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