"Sons Of Anarchy" isn’t the only beloved show coming to a close this fall. "Boardwalk Empire" will hang up its hat and tommy gun with an eight episode long fifth season. And it looks like the show, which typically takes twelve episodes per season, will be going out with a bang.
What we know so far: the series will be jumping forward in time to the early ’30s, with Prohibition still in effect but coming to a close. There is still money to made and associates to be avenged, and it looks like the struggle for power and the lure of sex and drugs will continue to loom large. "Change is coming" this new teaser warns, and indeed Nucky has his back up against the wall. Will his empire come crumbling down around him, or will he remain king of his domain? Find out on September 7th. Watch below. (And in case you’re wondering, the song in the trailer is "Tranquilize" by The Killers featuring Lou Reed). [HeyUGuys]