Monday, March 10, 2025

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Watch: First Clip Plus More New Footage From Spike Lee’s ‘Oldboy’ Arrives


Spike Lee doing a remake of Park Chan-wook‘s “Oldboy” is a venture fraught with more than one way to fail, and as of yet, the filmmaker has our trust that he can put his own stamp on the twisted revenge story. From assembling a great cast, to teasing out the movie in promising, decent-sized servings, so far what we’ve seen suggests a distinct take on this story. And with the remake making a presence at New York Comic Con, even more is being shown off as the steady marketing campaign for this one continues.

To kick things off, the first clip from the movie has dropped, featuring a wary Josh Brolin—imprisoned for twenty years—warily learning to trust a beautiful young woman (Elizabeth Olsen) who claims to want to help him. Meanwhile, a new promo thingy involving eating dumplings or something shows off a batch of new footage as well, that is mostly Brolin stuffing his face but still gives off a little bit of the vibe of the movie.

“Oldboy” orders in for dinner on November 27th. Watch below. [ET/ComingSoon]

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