Watch: New Russian Trailer For 'The Lone Ranger' Serves Up More Footage & Adventure

The Long RangerAs overstuffed as the last two Gore Verbinski-helmed “Pirates of the Caribbean” films were, there’s no denying the fact that the man knows how to stage a set piece. Add this to the fact that “The Lone Ranger” looks to be a fun — and extremely high-budgeted — western with no unnecessary 3D post-conversion, and you can count us in. If you still need convincing, the Russian-dubbed international trailer has surfaced online with new footage and, more importantly, more trains.

The new trailer has an extended look at Helena Bonham Carter’s appearance (maybe she’s huge in Russia?), as well as an extended look at the much-discussed train set-piece (which Verbinski once envisioned as the biggest of all time before budget concerns had him dial it back a bit) which only makes us more excited for the film.

“The Lone Ranger” gallops into theaters on July 3rd. Watch the trailer below. [Screen Rant]