Oh hey, remember "Premium Rush"? That was the movie that was originally slated to open in January and then was pushed back to the ass-end of summer. How how much of a priority is this for Columbia Pictures? Well, the new trailer barely runs 90 seconds long and features mostly footage we saw in the previous, longer trailer. Hmm.
Well, perhaps that's because there isn't much here to work with. The story is simple: Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays a book courier who happens to be carrying something wanted by a crooked cop (Michael Shannon). But his Bike Courier Code Of Ethics combined with his apparent desire to put his life in danger for a minimum wage gig, results in him being chased across Manhattan and doing bike flips and sliding under flatbed trucks and shit. We hope he has a good ringer on the bike.
It looks pretty workmanlike and not particularly special, which is a bit of a disappointment considering how much we like the leads. But maybe some good scenery chewing from Shannon might make it worthwhile. "Premium Rush" opens on August 24th. Watch below.