Reviews are starting to roll in from overseas, and the verdict so far on J.J. Abrams‘ “Star Trek Into Darkness“? Well, it’s a success. Sure, there are quibbles here and there but by and large, if you’re looking for a good popcorn flick that will appeal both to die hard Trekkers or the average guy looking for a
Chris Pine sci-fi action movie, this one delivers. So all Paramount can do at this point is make sure as many people as possible go see it.
To that end, another clip has dropped, this time with Simon Pegg‘s Scotty and Chris Pine‘s Captain Kirk on the run as the ship tries to stay stable on limited power. There will be jumping and hanging onto railings for dear life. It’s pretty brief, so there’s not much to say about it. If you need more stuff in your eye-sockets, some new posters have dropped as well, which you can look at below.
‘Into Darkness’ jumps into warp speed on May 17th.