Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Werner Herzog Reads To/Terrifies Your Kids

We found some new reading material for children in our lives with bedtime stories read by Werner Herzog. The famed director, who most recently unleashed his batshit “The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call – New Orleans”on the world has laid his voice over stories featuring children’s classic characters “Curious George” and “Madeline.”

We cannot confirm these readings actually came from Herzog (it doesn’t quite sound like him), but as far as impersonations go, it’s pretty good, capturing the sort of otherworldly sense of wonder the director seems to intone when narrating his documentaries. Anyway, they are fun and you cannot go wrong when, in the first video, the Curious George story starts out with a murder and ends with George smiling on top of a tree being locked up in a zoo for the rest of his young life.
The second video is about Madeline, who is a little girl living in an all girls boarding school, and she’s introduced in her underwear, comes down with appendicitis and while in the hospital she starts to hallucinate seeing a white rabbit on the ceiling. Check out the trippy videos below – Scott Ludden

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