Zack Snyder Gets Babes For " 'Alice In Wonderland' With Guns" Flick, 'Suckerpunch'

Amanda Seyfried, Vanessa Hudgens, Abbie Cornish, Emma Stone, and Evan Rachel Wood have all joined the cast of Zack Snyder’s next film, “Sucker Punch.” He’s calling it enthusiastically – straight-faced of course — “‘ Alice In Wonderland’ with guns” (wow, there’s a pitch) and it’s about an institutionalized girl (Seyfried) who is about to be lobotomized, but creates an imaginary world where she escapes to. Let’s hope he handles this delicate-sounding story with the grace and effortless poise with which he elegantly directed “Watchmen” with…*cough*. The world seems to be casting Seyfried, left right and center. And we thought she was our dirty little secret crush. Oh well… [THR]