Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Zack Snyder’s ‘Watchmen’ Adaptation From Comic To Screen

Like it or not, Zack Snyder has got a thing for comics and has made it his habit of bringing iconic properties to the screen. He’s essentially banked his career on them, with “300,” “Watchmen,” “Man Of Steel,” and “Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice” all coming from comic book origins (to be fair he’s smuggled a few original properties in there along the way). Whether or not Snyder has done justice to any of these films is up for debate. But what’s not up for debate is his dedication to the form and his desire to translate as much of the comic book structure to the big screen. It’s a style that can, at times, feel gratuitous, but mostly manages to do the source material a fair amount of justice — at least for the fanboys and fangirls.

To explore some of these moments of direct translation, Vugar Efendi has cut together a 3-minute video essay that puts “Watchmen” side-by-side with its comic book counterpart. “‘Watchmen’ – From Comic To Screen” takes a look at some of the most iconic moments from the beloved and bleak Alan Moore title, and pairs them with Snyder’s attempt to capture them for the silver screen. Again, it’s moments like these where Snyder excels. Love him or hate him, the director has a knack for visual flair. And whether or not the film was too saddled with the burden to replicate the comic and lacked its own voice and agenda, the video essay is still a gorgeous watch.

Check out “‘Watchmen’ – From Comic To Screen” below and weigh in with your thoughts about Snyder’s film in the comments.

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