There is nothing small about the films of Zack Snyder. Heavily stylized, for better or worse, the director puts a strong thumbprint on the movies he makes, but particularly as of late, post-production has been an important tool in putting together his movies. It’s not a surprise that this year’s “Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice” featured CGI, but you might be surprised at just how much digital paintwork was slapped onto the movie.
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A reel from Scanline Effects highlights their work on the DC Films movie, and I can only imagine more than a few wrists were sore making mouse clicks by the time production was finished. While some directors want to do as much special effects work in camera as possible, it seems Snyder is happy to fill everything in later. And that’s not an insult — some of the work here is really good and pretty seamless, which makes his reliance on digital effects understandable. Still, all the razzle-dazzle and flash in the world couldn’t save ‘Dawn Of Justice.’
Check out the video and let us know what you think about it in the comments section. [Collider]