“Poker Face”
Following the success of his sequel to “Glass Onion,” the sequel to “Knives Out,” Rian Johnson is returning to television with “Poker Face.” Natasha Lyonne (“Russian Doll”) stars as Charlie in the case-of-the-week mystery comedy-drama as a casino worker who has to go on the run. Nora and Lilla Zuckerman act as co-showrunners with an extensive cast that includes Joseph Gordon-Levittb, Stephanie Hsu, David Castañeda, Ellen Barkin, Adrien Brody, and more.
Release Date: Season 1 premieres on January 26 on Peacock.
Before its third season, we’re already getting a “Ted Lasso” reunion in Apple TV+’s latest comedy series, “Shrinking.” Co-written by Brett Goldstein, Bill Lawrence, and star Jason Segel, the series follows Jimmy (Segel), a therapist who is dealing with grief following the death of his wife. Due to this, he ends up beginning to breach the ethical restrictions of his job to tell his patients what he thinks, believing it will force their hands in changing their lives for the better. The cast, including Segel, is stacked with Harrison Ford, Jessical Williams, Christa Miller, and Michael Urie all on board.
Release Date: Season 1 premieres on January 27 on Apple TV+.