9 New Posters For 'X-Men: Days Of Future Past'

X-Men Days Of Future Past

With mutants past and present set to appear in “X-Men: Days Of Future Past,” many are wondering (including us) if there’s such thing as too much when it comes to the mutant franchise. “I wanted a full cast but I didn’t want it to feel forced,” Bryan Singer told Total Film (print edition), “we wanted to make it feel organic, not take a ‘kitchen sink’ approach but bring together characters with interesting powers.”

We’ll see if that all works next month with the packed superhero film comes to the big screen. Until then, Fox wants to make sure that the money spent brings a good return on investment, so the marketing machine rolls onward with nine posters arriving. They mostly focus on the bigger brand heroes, with Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), Magneto (Michael Fassbender, Ian McKellen), Charles Xavier (James McAvoy, Patrick Stewart) and Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) getting the focus, and also Halle Berry’s Storm even though she apparently only appears in one scene.

“X-Men: Days Of Future Past” arrives on May 23rd. Posters can be seen at Screen Rant.