Friday, October 25, 2024

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Meh: New Trailer & Poster For ‘Gulliver’s Travels’

So yes, the new poster for “Gulliver’s Travels” is out and you might have seen it in the last 24-hours, marveled at its photoshop-y blandness with Jack Black and kinda shrugged.

That’s what we basically did and now the trailer has arrived — super early at that, the film doesn’t come out until December (and it’s so dull we can’t even think of a creative headline). Other than “Tron Legacy,” we’re not sure any trailers for December 2010 films have been released. Apparently 20th Century Fox wants to get a leg ahead from the pack.

First off, based on this trailer, we kind of have no idea why this film is in 3D. Or at least not for the first half (and this trailer goes on forever). Then it becomes a Wolfgang Petersen movie on the seas (with poor CGI), and then it gets to the whole giant trapped by little people that you love and cher…. errr, are familiar with.

Despite the good cast Emily Blunt, Jason Segel, Amanda Peet, Romany Malco and T.J Miller who is sort of our favorite up and coming comedic actor* — this film looks like its made for people that don’t really like movies, but attend them on the weekends for something to do.

We kinda figured this would be lame; it made our Least Anticipated Films of 2010 list for a good reason. It hits theaters December 22, 2010, best of luck to all involved.

*Miller was the writer and star of the very funny and awesome short “Successful Alcoholics” that you really should see if you get a chance.

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