Bryan Singer's 'Jack The Giant Killer' Delayed As Casting Gets Underway; Aaron Johnson & Andrew Garfield Considered For Roles

Compared to the dismal pickings of the summer months this year, next summer is already stacked with big movies: the superhero face-off between “Captain America,” “Thor,” “X-Men: First Class” and “Green Lantern,” as well as other juggernauts like “Pirates of the Caribbean 4,” “The Hangover 2,” “Rise of the Apes,” “Transformers 3,” “Cars 2,” “Cowboys & Aliens” and the final ‘Harry Potter.’

Fortunately for all concerned, they just got a little more breathing room, with the news that Bryan Singer’s fairytale adventure “Jack The Giant Killer,” which was also set for release around that time, has had its production delayed.

Pre-production had been underway for a start in London this summer, but the film now won’t go before cameras until February 2011. Heat Vision report that the delay is at least partly due the film’s complex visual effects: with a plot involving the titular hero traveling to a land of giants to rescue a princess, Singer is still working out exactly how to carry out the size difference. His current plans are to use a process that enables him to see the giants in-camera.

Casting is still underway and Heat Vision report that Singer’s met with Aaron Johnson (“Kick-Ass”) and Andrew Garfield (David Fincher’s upcoming “The Social Network”). Garfield’s also on the list of potential Spider-Men, so he’s clearly in demand, but the site stresses that nothing’s progressed beyond meetings at this point. The casting process on this one is pretty huge and expansive, and at least Singer’s got a little more time to make his mind up.

It’s unclear when the film will be released at this point. It’s possible, although unlikely, that it could be ready for Christmas 2011, putting it up against the first part of “Twilight: Breaking Dawn,” “Sherlock Holmes 2,” “Mission Impossible 4” and “Tintin,” but a release in the equally crowded summer of 2012 seems far more realistic at this point.