Mickey Rourke's Insidious Pet Cockatoo Revealed In New 'Iron Man 2' Photos

Mickey Rourke is, how you say, a little bit on the eccentric side.

From all reports, he was a tad difficult on the set of “Iron Man 2,” which is otherwise a reportedly fun and amicable set and Rourke apparently showed his method-like peculiarity by insisting his Russian career-criminal character Whiplash could boast a nefarious pet cockatoo as some kind of sidekick (oh please, make sure it talks in the film, pleeeeease) that we can see in these new pictures.Uhh, why?

Apparently this was Rourke’s way of coloring-up the character. “I told [Jon] Favreau, ‘I don’t want to just play him as a one-dimensional pussy,'” Rourke told EW earlier this year. “He let me have a cockatoo, who I talk to and get drunk with while I’m making my suit.” Sounds ridiculously awesome, or unintentionally funny, who knows, but Rourke is our least favorite part of the trailers so far.

In the other photos we see another shot of the “Iron Man” suit glowing eyes and all, plus director Favreau as Tony Stark’s (Robert Downey Jr.) body guard Happy Hogan lugging around what fans know as the suitcase armor — displayed in recent trailers to lots of ooohing and aawing. Super cool, right?

Mickey Rourke has been absent in recent posters leading us and others to ask, where’s the beef…errr, Rourke. Is this emblematic of the alleged tiffs on set or did they just want to change up the international trailer so it didn’t look like Scarlett Johansson was farting an explosion and birthing Whiplash into existence? We’ll leave that one to you. “Iron Man 2” hits theaters on May 7th.